Service Charge Descriptions

Content Streaming Service Charges

Administrative Bandwidth Fee
Zecast Technologies charges an administrative bandwidth fee for all traffic that is retrieved from the customer origin server and delivered to the Zecast Technologies network, as agreed in the Order Form. This fee is in addition to the monthly bandwidth charges that have been contracted with Zecast Technologies.

Billing Process
Monthly revenue commitments for each billing period (calendar month) will be billed in advance. All service charges in excess of the monthly commitment during a billing period will be billed in arrears. The amount billed for usage-based services will be based on the measured usage of the service rounded up to the next whole number.

Configuration Fees
Zecast Technologies charges for the initial configuration of the content streaming service to address specific customer needs. There is a charge for subsequent changes to the configuration.

Content Streaming Charges
Content Streaming charges are assessed when a customer elects the Video on Demand Stream or Live Publishing Point Broadcast options. Content Streaming charges are assessed for incremental units of each Content Streaming service consumed and measured by Gbytes of content transmitted and received.

Content Storage Charges
Content Server charges apply when a customer elects the Content Storage option. The charge consists of a fixed, recurring charge for a defined base amount of storage measured in gigabytes (Gbytes, 1,000,000,000 bytes), plus an additional per Gbyte charge for storage used in excess of that pre-defined base amount. Content Storage charges are assessed based on the “high water mark” of storage used during a billing period. The high water mark reflects the highest amount of storage used during the billing period.

Storage of Customer Content is a contracted service provided Zecast Technologies, and is not, and should not be considered a retrievable archive or back-up. It is the Customer’s responsibility to insure they at all times retain retrievable copies of all Customer Content on their own servers or other means of digital storage.

In the event Services become expired, terminated or otherwise cancelled, Customer will be notified, via email, they have two (2) weeks after the date of Services being deprovisioned to retrieve any Customer Content stored on Zecast Technologies’s CAP network. In the event Customer does not retrieve Customer Content at the end of the 2 week period, Zecast Technologies shall purge such Customer Content without any recourse or liability against Zecast Technologies related thereto.

Excess Usage Charges
There is no penalty fee for usage in excess of the minimum monthly commitment. Customers will be billed for usage in excess of the minimum commitment at the contracted rate.

Log File Delivery Charges
Log File Delivery charges are assessed when a customer elects the log file delivery option. Log File Delivery charges consist of a fixed, recurring charge for a defined base amount of log files delivered measured in Gbytes, plus an additional per Gbyte charge for log files delivered in excess of that base amount. The amount of log files delivered is based on the storage of eight days of logs in compressed file form. Log files will be delivered in a defined format. Zecast Technologies charges for the initial configuration and changes to provide a customer-specified log file format.

Edge Computing Framework (ECF/XRE) Service Charges

Administrative Bandwidth Fee
Zecast Technologies charges an administrative bandwidth fee for all traffic that is retrieved from the customer origin server and delivered to the Zecast Technologies network, as agreed in the Order Form. This fee is in addition to the monthly bandwidth charges that have been contracted with Zecast Technologies.

Billing Process
Monthly revenue commitments for each billing period (calendar month) will be billed in advance. All service charges in excess of the monthly commitment during a billing period will be billed in arrears. The amount billed for usage-based services will be based on the measured usage of the service rounded up to the next whole number.

Configuration Fees
Zecast Technologies charges for the initial configuration of the Edge Computing Framework (ECF/XRE) rules to address specific customer needs. There is a charge for subsequent changes to the configuration.

95th Percentile Peak Request Charges
95th Percentile Peak Request charges are measured in requests per second (rps), is determined using an industry standard method for measuring capacity utilization. The 95th percentile rps is determined by totaling the number of a subscriber’s requests by provisioned domain and/or dgh prefix received by each CAP facility in each five (5) minute interval of a month. At the end of the month the largest five percent (5%) of all the measurements for each provisioned domain and/or dgh prefix of the totals is discarded. The largest measurement of the totals for each provisioned domain and/or dgh prefix remaining is rounded up to the next whole number. This number is the 95th percentile rps for the CAP facility. The 95th percentile rps for the CAP network is determined by adding the subscriber’s 95th percentile rps for each provisioned domain and/or dgh prefix for each CAP facility together. The result is determined as the “95th Percentile Peak Requests” for the Zecast Technologies network and is the agreed contractual basis for monthly billing.

Content Storage Charges
Content Server charges apply when a customer elects the Content Storage option. The charge consists of a fixed, recurring charge for a defined base amount of storage measured in gigabytes (Gbytes, 1,000,000,000 bytes), plus an additional per Gbyte charge for storage used in excess of that pre-defined base amount. Content Storage charges are assessed based on the “high water mark” of storage used during a billing period. The high water mark reflects the highest amount of storage used during the billing period.

Storage of Customer Content is a contracted service provided Zecast Technologies, and is not, and should not be considered, a retrievable archive or back-up. It is the Customer’s responsibility to insure they at all times retain retrievable copies of all Customer Content on their own servers or other means of digital storage.

In the event Services become expired, terminated or otherwise cancelled, Customer will be notified, via email, they have two (2) weeks after the date of Services being deprovisioned to retrieve any Customer Content stored on Zecast Technologies’s CAP network. In the event Customer does not retrieve Customer Content at the end of the 2 week period, Zecast Technologies shall purge such Customer Content without any recourse or liability against Zecast Technologies related thereto.”

Excess Usage Charges
There is no penalty fee for usage in excess of the minimum monthly commitment. Customers will be billed for usage in excess of the minimum commitment at the contracted rate.

Log File Delivery Charges
Log File Delivery charges are assessed when a customer elects the log file delivery option. Log File Delivery charges consist of a fixed, recurring charge for a defined base amount of log files delivered measured in Gbytes, plus an additional per Gbyte charge for log files delivered in excess of that base amount. The amount of log files delivered is based on the storage of eight days of logs in compressed file form. Log files will be delivered in a defined format. Zecast Technologies charges for the initial configuration and changes to provide a customer-specified log file format.

SSL Delivery (HTTPS) Charges
For customers electing the Secure Delivery (SSL) option, the SSL Delivery charge consist of a fixed, recurring charge in addition to the associated bandwidth changes.

Domain Name Service Charges

Billing Process
Monthly revenue commitments for each billing period (calendar month) will be billed in advance. All service charges in excess of the monthly commitment during a billing period will be billed in arrears. The amount billed for usage-based services will be based on the measured usage of the service rounded up to the next even multiple of 5 queries per second based on a 95th Percentile Peak Queries Per Second Calculation.

DNS Configuration Fees
Zecast Technologies charges for the initial configuration of Domain Name Services to address specific customer needs. There is a charge for subsequent changes to the configuration of these rules.

Excess Usage Charges
There is a charge for each 5 Queries Per Second overage, using 95th Percentile Peak queries Per Second Calculation.

95th Percentile Peak Queries Per Second Calculation
A monthly Queires Per Second (QPS) rate is generated using the following process:
(1) Count the number of domain name system queries received by the Name server Infrastructure during every 5 minute period throughout the month at issue (each 5-minute-sample).
(2) Divide each by 5-minute-sample by 300 (the number of seconds in 5 minutes) to determine the QPS for each 5-minute-sample.
(3) Order the 5-minute-samples from lowest to highest by QPS.
(4) Remove the 5% of the 5-minute-samples that have the highest QPS, (for a 30 day month, that is 432 samples).
(5) Take the highest remaining 5-minute-sample and round that up to the nearest multiple of 5,
(6) Treat that number as the QPS for the given month, and for the purpose of calculating Clients invoice, and Excess Usage Charges (if any).

Object Caching and Delivery Service Charges

Administrative Bandwidth Fee
Zecast Technologies charges an administrative bandwidth fee for all traffic that is retrieved from the customer origin server and delivered to the Zecast Technologies network, as agreed in the Order Form. This fee is in addition to the monthly bandwidth charges that have been contracted with Zecast Technologies.

Billing Process
Monthly revenue commitments for each billing period (calendar month) will be billed in advance. All service charges in excess of the monthly commitment during a billing period will be billed in arrears. The amount billed for usage-based services will be based on the measured usage of the service rounded up to the next whole number.

Configuration Fees
Zecast Technologies charges for the initial configuration of the first top-level domain (TLD) including up to 20 subaccounts and/or 5 publishing points. There is an additional charge for each subsequent change to the subscriber configuration after the initial provisioning including additional domains and/or up to 20 subaccounts and/or 5 publishing points.

Content Compression Charges
Content Compression charges apply when a customer elects the Content Compression option. The charge consists of a fixed, recurring charge determined by the actual bandwidth used during the billing period. The unit of measurement may be either: (1) Gbytes of content transmitted and received, or (2) 95th Percentile Bandwidth Utilization, measured as Mbps, as agreed in the Order Form.

Content Storage Charges
Content Server charges apply when a customer elects the Content Storage option. The charge consists of a fixed, recurring charge for a defined base amount of storage measured in gigabytes (Gbytes, 1,000,000,000 bytes), plus an additional per Gbyte charge for storage used in excess of that pre-defined base amount. Content Storage charges are assessed based on the “high water mark” of storage used during a billing period. The high water mark reflects the highest amount of storage used during the billing period.

Storage of Customer Content is a contracted service provided Zecast Technologies, and is not, and should not be considered, a retrievable archive or back-up. It is the Customer’s responsibility to insure they at all times retain retrievable copies of all Customer Content on their own servers or other means of digital storage.

In the event Services become expired, terminated or otherwise cancelled, Customer will be notified, via email, they have two (2) weeks after the date of Services being deprovisioned to retrieve any Customer Content stored on Zecast Technologies’s CAP network. In the event Customer does not retrieve Customer Content at the end of the 2 week period, Zecast Technologies shall purge such Customer Content without any recourse or liability against Zecast Technologies related thereto.”

Excess Usage Charges
There is no penalty fee for usage in excess of the minimum monthly commitment. Customers will be billed for usage in excess of the minimum commitment at the contracted rate.

Log File Delivery Charges
Log File Delivery charges are assessed when a customer elects the log file delivery option. Log File Delivery charges consist of a fixed, recurring charge for a defined base amount of log files delivered measured in Gbytes, plus an additional per Gbyte charge for log files delivered in excess of that base amount. The amount of log files delivered is based on the storage of eight days of logs in compressed file form. Log files will be delivered in a defined format. Zecast Technologies charges for the initial configuration and changes to provide a customer-specified log file format.

Object Caching Charges
Object Caching charges are assessed when a customer elects the Object Caching option. Object Caching charges are assessed for incremental units of each Object Caching service consumed. The unit of measurement may be either: (1) Gbytes of content transmitted and received, or (2) 95th Percentile Bandwidth Utilization, measured as Mbps, as agreed in the Order Form.

SSL Delivery (HTTPS) Charges
For customers electing the Secure Delivery (SSL) option, the SSL Delivery charge consist of a fixed, recurring charge in addition to the associated bandwidth changes.

Advanced Traffic Analysis Charges
Advanced Traffic Analysis service charges apply when a customer elects the Advanced Traffic Analysis (ATA) reporting option. The charge consists of a fixed, recurring charge for a measured amount of consumed report capacity defined by the number of unique objects processed. ATA charges are assessed based on the “high water mark” of the daily number of unique objects processed during a billing period. The high water mark reflects the largest number of unique objects processed during any day during the billing period.

1. Gbytes charges are based on total content sent by totaling the amount of a subscriber’s traffic sent by each CAP facility on behalf of the customer using Gbytes as the unit of measure. The Gbytes sent by the CAP network is determined by adding together the subscriber’s Gbytes sent by each CAP facility. The result is determined as the Gbytes sent by the Zecast Technologies CAP network and is the agreed contractual basis for monthly billing.

2. 95th Percentile Bandwidth Utilization, measured in Mbps, is determined using an industry standard method for measuring bandwidth utilization. The 95th percentile bandwidth utilization (Mpbs) is determined by totaling the amount of a subscriber’s content by provisioned domain and/or dgh prefix sent by each CAP facility in each five (5) minute interval of a month measured in bytes. Bytes sent by each CAP facility for each domain and/or dgh prefix provisioned for the five (5) minute interval are multiplied by eight (8), divided by 1 million (1,000,000) and divided by three hundred (300) to determine the amount of bandwidth used in Mbps. At the end of the month the largest five percent (5%) of all the measurements for each provisioned domain and/or dgh prefix of the totals is discarded. The largest measurement of the totals for each provisioned domain and/or dgh prefix remaining is rounded up to the next whole number. This number is the 95th percentile bandwidth utilization for the CAP facility. The 95th percentile bandwidth utilization for the CAP network is determined by adding the subscriber’s 95th percentile bandwidth utilization for each provisioned domain and/or dgh prefix for each CAP facility together. The result is determined as the “95th Percentile Bandwidth Utilization” for the Zecast Technologies network and is the agreed contractual basis for monthly billing.